This policy aims to provide all members of staff (paid and unpaid), children and young people, and their families with a clear and secure framework for ensuring that all children, in the organisation are protected from harm, both while at organisation and when off the organisations premises.
Practitioners who work with children in this organisation will read this policy within the framework of:
- London Child Protection Procedures, 4th (2010)
- Working Together to Safeguard Children (2010)
- Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007)
- Information Sharing (2008)
- Children Act 1989
- Children Act 2004
- Education Act 2002
As an organisation, REVO SECCUS believes in supporting all aspects of children and young people’s development and learning, and keeping children safe.
We understand that emotional and social aspects of learning create, a foundation for all academic learning. If a child has not been supported to understand, express and resolve their feelings, they may not have the ability to share with other children, resolve the small conflicts that arise in day-to-day classroom life, or concentrate on learning. Their frustrations may cause a range of antisocial, disruptive, overly compliant or withdrawn behaviors.
All staff will work to ensure that:
- Children and young people feel listened to, valued and respected
- Staff are aware of indicators of abuse and know how to share their concerns appropriately
- All paid and unpaid staff are subject to rigorous recruitment procedures
- All paid and unpaid staff are given appropriate support and training
Education staff play a crucial role in helping to identify welfare concerns, and indicators of possible abuse or neglect, at an early stage. REVO SECCUS is committed to referring those concerns via the Designated Child Protection Officer to the appropriate organisation, normally local authority children’s social care, contributing to the assessment of a child’s needs and, where appropriate, to ongoing action to meet those needs.
In order to ensure children are adequately protected, we will ensure that:
- We have a designated child protection officer (DCPO) and a deputy DCPO who attend multi-agency training at least once every two years
- All staff are trained in basic Child Protection awareness
- All staff have read and understand the Child Protection Policy and are aware of the indicators of child abuse and how to respond to concerns or disclosures of abuse by children
- All children, young people and their families are familiar with the Child Protection Policy
- The child protection policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the DCPO and the board of Governors
Recognising Abuse
In the Children Acts 1989 and 2004, a child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2010) as:
- protecting children from maltreatment;
- preventing impairment of children’s health or development;
- ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
- undertaking that role so as to enable those children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.
Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional, community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger for example, via the internet, social media or email. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children.
The Children Act 1989 introduced the concept of significant harm as the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention in family life in the best interests of children, and gives local authorities a duty to make enquiries to decide whether they should take action to safeguard or promote the welfare of a child who is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.
Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development:
- It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.
- It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate.
- It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. This can also occur when a child is a young carer for a parent who is disabled, has mental health problems or misuses alcohol or drugs.
- It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another – for example where there is fighting or violence in the home.
- It may involve serious bullying (including via electronic media), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children.
Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.
The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing.
They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at or in the production of sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).
Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development.
Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
- provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment);
- protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger;
- ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate caregivers); or
- ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.
- It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.
Special Circumstances
The London Child Protection Procedures, 4th Edn (2010) outlines response to special circumstances in child protection cases, including issues such as:
- Bullying
- Domestic violence
- Fabricated or induced illness
- Female genital mutilation (FGM)
- Foreign exchange visits
- Gangs, serious youth violence and violent extremism
- ‘Honor’-based violence
- Information and communication technology (ICT)-based forms of abuse
- Missing from care and home
- Not attending organisation
- Parental lack of control
- Parental mental illness
- Parents with learning disabilities
- Parents who misuse substances
- Pregnancy
- Private fostering
- Self-harming and suicidal behaviour
- Sexually active children
- Sexually exploited children
- Spirit possession or witchcraft
- Trafficked and exploited children
- Young carers
The Designated Child Protection Officer
The designated child protection officer (DCPO) takes the lead responsibility for child protection, including support for other staff and information sharing with other agencies, developing policies and staff training. Most settings have one DCPO although it is good practice for settings to have a Deputy DCPO. Usually, the DCPO is also the named person who responds to allegations made against members of staff.
The DCPO should be a senior member of staff with the authority and seniority to carry out the functions of the role.
DCPO Responsibilities
- Refer suspected abuse and neglect to the First Response Service
- Report allegations made against members of staff to the Local Authority Designated Officer or LADO (and Ofsted, if Early Years / Play Providers / Childminders)
- Develop and update the Child Protection and other safeguarding policies, ensuring that staff and children/families/parents are aware of them
- Provide support and advice to all members of staff within the setting regarding child protection concerns
- Keep the managers informed about any issues that arise
- Ensure that cover is provided for the role when absent from the setting
- Ensure that a child’s child protection file is copied for the new educational establishment when a child moves educational settings, and that this file is transferred securely and separately from the main YP file.
- Ensure that all staff receive appropriate Child Protection and Safeguarding Training, and maintain training records
- Cooperate with any requests for information from the local authority, such as Child Protection training returns and self-evaluative forms for safeguarding and child protection, in compliance with Section 11, Children Act 2004
Other Staff’s Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all other members of staff to ensure that all safeguarding concerns, both minor and serious, are reported to the DCPO as soon as reasonably possible.
The DCPO may have other information regarding a child, young person or their family of which other staff may not be aware. Minor concerns may take on greater significance within the wider context of knowledge of a child or family that the DCPO may have.
Child Protection Procedures
You have a concern about a child / young person’s wellbeing, based on:
- Something the child / young person / parent has told you
- Something you have noticed about the child’s behaviour, health, or appearance
- Something another professional said or did
Even if you think your concern is minor, the DCPO may have more information that, together with what you know, represents a more serious worry about a child.
It is never your decision alone how to respond to concerns – but it is always your responsibility to share concerns, no matter how small.
- Decide whether you need to find out more by asking the child / young person, or their parent to clarify your concerns, being careful to use open questions: …beginning with words like: ‘how’, ‘why’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘who’?
- Let the child / young person / parent know what you plan to do next if you have heard a disclosure of abuse or you are talking with them about your concerns. Do not promise to keep what s/he tells you secret.…for example, ‘I am worried about your bruise and I need to tell Mrs Smith so that she can help us think about how to keep you safe’
- Inform the DCPO immediately. If the DCPO is not available, inform their Deputy. If neither are available, speak to the Head or another senior member of staff. If there is no other member of staff available, you must make the referral yourself.
- Make a written record as soon as possible after the event, noting:
- Name of child
- Date, time and place
- Who else was present
- What was said / What happened / What you noticed
… speech, behaviour, mood, drawings, games or appearance - If child or parent spoke, record their words rather than your interpretation
- Analysis of what you observed & why it is a cause for concern
- The DCPO may take advice from the First Response Service
- The DCPO makes the referral to the First Response Service
The referral will note all previous intervention by the organisation with the child, any relevant history relating to the child, their siblings or the family. - The DCPO shares information with other relevant professionals, recording reasons for sharing information and ensuring that they are aware of what action the other professionals will take as a result of information shared
- The DCPO informs parent that they have made a CP referral, if the parent does not already know, and if there is no reason not to let them know…The First Response Service may suggest to delay informing the parent in cases of suspected sexual abuse, or where informing the parent might put the child at further risk, to prevent the child being harmed or intimidated (and retracting their disclosure)
…or in cases of suspected Fabricated or Induced Illness by proxy, the parent is not informed that this is being considered - The DCPO remains in close communication with other professionals around the child / young person and with the family, in order to share any updates about the child / young person
If a child protection investigation is pursued, the DCPO and other key organisation staff will:
- Work closely and collaboratively with all professionals involved in the investigation, to keep the child / young person safe
- Attend a child protection meeting when invited and provide updated information about the child
- Attend any subsequent child protection review meeting.
- Attend core group meetings and take an active role in the implementation of the protection plan.
Safe Practice
Safer Recruitment
Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007) outlines Safer Recruitment processes in education settings. At least one member of staff on every recruitment panel has undertaken training in Safer Recruitment.
Safer Recruitment processes aim to:
- Deter potential abusers by setting high standards of practice and recruitment.
- Reject inappropriate candidates at the application and interview stages
- Prevent abuse to children by developing robust policies and agreeing on safe practice
Allegations Against Staff
Allegations of abuse can be made by children and young people and they can be made by other concerned adults.
All allegations against staff or volunteers should be immediately brought to the attention of the Managing Director.
If an allegation is made against the Managing Director, this should be brought to the attention of the Chair of Trustees.
In all cases, the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer), who is one of the Child Protection Advisers, should be notified.
The Managing Director should take the following actions:
- Ensure that the child reporting the allegation is safe and away from the member of staff against whom the allegation is made
- Make a referral to the Children’s Service where the child resides, if appropriate
- Contact the parents/carers of the child, following advice from the LADO
- Suspend the member of staff or review his/her working arrangements, pending the investigation, following advice from the LADO
- Attend strategy meetings convened by the LADO and act upon the decisions made at these meetings
Suspension should be considered when:
- There is a cause to suspect a child is at risk of significant harm or
- The allegation warrants investigation by the police or
- The allegation is so serious that it might be grounds for dismissal
(London Child Protection Procedures section 15.2.13)
Any disciplinary investigation should be carried out once the child protection investigation has been completed.
For more information, see Chapter 5 of Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007).
- No visitors, including tradespeople, should be allowed to wander around the premises unaccompanied when children and young people are present
- Staff should be alert to strangers frequently waiting outside a venue with no apparent purpose.
- Children should not be collected by people other than their parents, unless written notification has been received in advance;
- If a child is not collected after a session it is reasonable to wait approximately half an hour for a parent or carer to arrive. If the parent or carer cannot be contacted, staff should contact the First Response Service.
Partnering Organisations
Many other aspects of the partnering organisations’, support the aims of this policy. Partnering organisations play an important role in making children and young people aware both of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable, and of how they can help keep themselves safe.
The non-statutory framework for personal, social and health education (PSHE) provides opportunities for children and young people to learn about keeping safe. PSHE curriculum materials provide resources that enable organisations to tackle issues regarding healthy relationships, including domestic violence, bullying and abuse. Discussions about personal safety and keeping safe can reinforce the message that any kind of violence is unacceptable, let children and young people know that it is acceptable to talk about their own problems, and signpost sources of help.
Other aspects of provision that support this policy are:
- Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
- Citizenship Curriculum
- Sexual Health Initiatives
- Organisation Nurse checks
Use of Force, Restraint and Positive Handling
The law forbids any members of staff from using any degree of physical contact that is deliberately intended to punish a YP, or that is primarily intended to cause pain or injury or humiliation.
Members of staff are allowed to use reasonable force to control or restrain YPs under certain circumstances. In some circumstances, members of staff and authorised members of staff can retrain YPs in order to protect them and others.
Any concerns or allegations that a member of staff may have acted inappropriately should be brought to the Managing Director immediately, in confidence. The Managing Director, in turn, will contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
Staff Conduct
In order to protect children, young people and members of staff, we encourage staff to follow our professional code of conduct. This covers appropriate dress, the use of appropriate boundaries, social contact outside setting (including on social networking sites), the receiving and giving of gifts and favouritism, and the safe use of technology.
- Being alone with the child / young person
- Physical contact / restraint
- Social contact outside setting / appropriate boundaries
- Gifts & favouritism
- Behaviour management
- Intimate care
- Safe use of technology (Security / Internet / mobile phones / digital images of children, etc.)
- Appropriate use of social networking sites
Child Protection Training
The DCPO will keep detailed records of all staff’s child protection training and will issue reminders when training updates are required. It is good practice to include a safeguarding and child protection agenda item in all staff meetings.
All paid and unpaid members of staff, undertake single-agency, basic awareness child protection training once every three years.
In addition, the designated members of staff will undertake multi-agency training every two years.
Implementation, Dissemination & Review Strategies
This policy is reviewed annually by the DCPO and is approved by the board of Trustees.
All members of staff read and agree to the child protection policy before the start of their employment.
All children, young people and their families will be made read and agree to the policy before enrolment. It is important for families to be aware of actions staff may take if there are any concerns for a child or a young person’s safety, and for them to understand that they might not be consulted before action is taken. Knowing about child protection procedures ahead of time helps parents to engage better in the process, meaning that change is more likely to take place.
- Key Contacts in Child Protection
- Staff acknowledgement form
- Parent acknowledgement form
Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
REVO SECCUS makes a positive contribution to a strong and safe community and recognises the right of every individual to stay safe.
REVO SECCUS comes into contact with children and / or vulnerable adults.
The ages of children and / or vulnerable adults will be:
- 8-13 years old
- 13-19-year-old
- 19 -29-year-old
This policy seeks to ensure that REVO SECCUS undertakes its responsibilities with regard to protection of children and / or vulnerable adults and will respond to concerns appropriately. The policy establishes a framework to support paid and unpaid staff in their practices and clarifies the organisation’s expectations.
Confirmation of reading
I confirm that I have been made fully aware of, and understand the contents of, the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures for (insert name of organisation).
Please complete the details below and return this completed form to
Employee Name:
Employee Signature:
The principal pieces of legislation governing this policy are:
- Working together to safeguard Children 2010
- The Children Act 1989
- The Adoption and Children Act 2002:
- The Children act 2004
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- Care Standards Act 2000
- Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
- The Police Act – DBS 1997
- Mental Health Act 1983
- NHS and Community Care Act 1990
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Safeguarding Definitions
Safeguarding is about embedding practices throughout the organisation to ensure the protection of children and / or vulnerable adults wherever possible. In contrast, child and adult protection is about responding to circumstances appropriately arise.
Abuse is a selfish act of oppression and injustice, exploitation and manipulation of power by those in a position of authority. This can be caused by those inflicting harm or those who fail to act to prevent harm. Abuse is not restricted to any socio-economic group, gender or culture. It can take a number of forms, including the following:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Bullying
- Neglect
- Financial (or material) abuse
Definition of a child
A child is under the age of 18 (as defined in the United Nations convention on the Rights of a Child).
Definition of a child at risk
Children have been defined as “at risk” with a variety of different indicators, including having limited reading. proficiency, having experienced abuse or trauma, having a disability or illness, or having exhibited behaviour problems
Definition of Vulnerable Adults
A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or from being exploited.
This may include a person who:
- Is elderly and frail
- Has a mental illness including dementia?
- Has a physical or sensory disability
- Has a learning disability
- Has a severe physical illness
- Is a substance misuser
- Is homeless
All staff (paid or unpaid) have responsibility to follow the guidance laid out in this policy and related policies, and to pass on any welfare concerns using the required procedures.
We expect all staff (paid or unpaid) to promote good practice by being an excellent role model, contribute to discussions about safeguarding and to positively involve people in developing safe practices.
Implementation Stages
The scope of this Safeguarding Policy is broad ranging and in practice, it will be implemented via a range of policies and procedures within the organisation. These include:
- Grievance and disciplinary procedures – to address breaches of procedures/ policies
- Health and Safety policy, including lone working procedures, mitigating risk to staff and clients
- Equal Opportunities policy – ensuring safeguarding procedures are in line with this policy, around discriminatory abuse and ensuring that the safeguarding policy and procedures are not discriminatory
- Data protection (how records are stored and access to those records)
- Confidentiality (or limited confidentiality policy) ensuring that service users are aware of your duty to disclose
- Staff induction
- Staff training
Safe recruitment
REVO SECCUS ensures safe recruitment through the following processes:
- Providing the following safeguarding statement in recruitment adverts or application details – ‘recruitment is done in line with, safe recruitment practices.’
- Job or role descriptions for all roles involving contact with children and / or vulnerable adults will contain reference to safeguarding responsibilities.
- There are person specifications for roles which contain a statement on core competency, with regard to child/ vulnerable adult protection/ safeguarding
- Shortlisting is based on formal application processes/forms and not on provision of CVs
- Interviews are conducted according to equal opportunity principles and interview questions are based on the relevant job description and person specification
- DBS checks will be conducted for specific roles for all staff (paid or unpaid) working with children and vulnerable adults. Portable/ carry over DBS checks from another employer will not be deemed to be sufficient. It is a criminal offence for individuals barred by the ISA to work or apply to work with children or vulnerable adults in a wide range of posts.
- No formal job offers are made until after checks for suitability are completed (including DBS and 2 references). (You may wish to add in a qualifier about measures in place for exceptional and justifiable circumstances where employment/ role could commence prior to DBS clearance).
Criminal Bureau Records Gap Management
The organisation commits resources to providing Criminal Bureau Records check on staff (paid or unpaid) whose roles involve contact with children and /or vulnerable adults.
- A 3-year rolling programme of re-checking DBS’s is in place for holders of all identified posts.
- Existing staff (paid or unpaid) who transfer from a role which does not require a DBS check to one which involves contact with children / vulnerable adults will be subject to a DBS check
Service delivery contracting and sub-contracting
- There will be systematic checking of safeguarding arrangements of partner organisations
- Safeguarding will be a fixed agenda item on any partnership reporting meetings.
- Contracts and memorandums of agreement for partnership delivery work will include clear minimum
- requirements, arrangements for safeguarding and non-compliance procedures.
Communications training and support for staff
REVO SECCUS commits resources for induction, training of staff (paid and unpaid), effective communications and support mechanisms in relation to Safeguarding
Induction will include: staff procedure toolkit
All staff who, through their role, are in contact with children and /or vulnerable adults will have access to safeguarding training at an appropriate level. Sources and types of training will include: (insert list)
Communications and discussion of safeguarding issues
Commitment to the following communication methods will ensure effective communication of safeguarding issues and practice:
- team meetings
- SMT meetings
- Board meetings
- One to one meeting (formal or informal)
- clinical supervision
Professional boundaries
Professional boundaries are what define the limits of a relationship between a support worker and a client. They are a set of standards we agree to uphold that allows this necessary and often close relationship to exist while ensuring the correct detachment is kept in place.
REVO SECCUS expects staff to protect the professional integrity of themselves and the organisation.
The following professional boundaries must be adhered to:
- Giving and receiving gifts from clients: A typical statement would be REVO SECCUS does not allow paid or unpaid staff to give gifts to or receive gifts from clients. However, gifts may be provided by the organisation as part of a planned activity’.
- Staff contact with user groups. A typical statement would be: ‘Personal relationships between a member of staff (paid or unpaid) and a client who is a current service user is prohibited. This includes relationships through social networking sites such as Facebook and Tik-Tok.
- It is also prohibited to enter into a personal relationship with a person who has been a service user over the past 12 months
- Use of abusive language
- Response to inappropriate behaviour / language
- Use of punishment or chastisement
- Passing on service users’ personal contact details
- Degree of accessibility to service users (e.g. not providing personal contact details)
- Taking family members to a client’s home
- Selling to or buying items from a service user
- Accepting responsibility for any valuables on behalf of a client
- Accepting money as a gift/ Borrowing money from or lending money to service users
Complete the Local Authority Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Incident Report Form if required and submit to the local authority within 24 hours of making a contact
Ensure that feedback from the Local Authority is received and their response recorded
The local authority has a process for reporting and this must be adopted. Organisations will be expected to complete the local authorities initial contact form when informing them of a concern about a child. The use of this form and compliance with the policy will be mandatory and must be built into your policy.
Allegations Management
REVO SECCUS recognises its duty to report concerns or allegations against its staff (paid or unpaid) within the organisation or by a professional from another organisation.
The process for raising and dealing with allegations is as follows:
(Insert process – either the simple step 1, 2 and 3 or the full local authority process)
REVO SECCUS recognises its legal duty to report any concerns about unsafe practice by any of its paid or unpaid staff.
First step: Any member of staff (paid or unpaid) from REVO SECCUS is required to report any concerns in the first instance to their line manager/ safeguarding manager/ peer. [You may refer to making a written record at this stage e.g. ‘A written record of the concern will be completed by (insert – the individual /line manager/ safeguarding manager/ peer)].
Second step– contact local authority for advice.
In Brent this can be done via (for children) the Safeguarding Children Services Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Brent Family Front Door on 020 8937 4300.
In Brent this can be done via (for children) the Safeguarding Children Services Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Brent Family Front Door on 020 8xxx xxxx
Third step – follow the advice provided
The organisation will monitor the following Safeguarding aspects:
- Safe recruitment practices
- DBS checks undertaken
- References applied for new staff
- Records made and kept of supervision sessions
- Training – register/ record of staff training on child/ vulnerable adult protection
- Monitoring whether concerns are being reported and actioned
- Checking that policies are up to date and relevant
- Reviewing the current reporting procedure in place
- Presence and action of Designated senior manager responsible for Safeguarding is in post
Managing information
Information will be gathered, recorded and stored in accordance with the following policies (insert policies e.g.).
- Data Protection Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Handling sensitive and personal information policy
All staff must be aware that they have a professional duty to share information with other agencies in order to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. The public interest in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults may override confidentiality interests. However, information will be shared on a need to know basis only, as judged by the Senior Manager.
All staff must be aware that they cannot promise service users or their families/ carers that they will keep secrets.
Conflict resolution and complaints
REVO SECCUS policy on resolution of professional disagreements in work relating to the safety of children
Conflicts in respect of safety of vulnerable adults will be taken forward by MD
Communicating and reviewing the policy
REVO SECCUS will make clients aware of the Safeguarding Policy through the Safeguarding policy
Dated: 09/03/2021
Date for renewal: 08/03/2021
Appendix 1: Key Contacts in Child Protection
Children’s Social Care
- First Response Service: 020 8489 4592 / 5652 / 5762 / 2110
- Emergency Out of Hours Duty Team (5pm – 9am weekdays and weekends): 020 8348 3148
- Child Protection Advisors: 020 8489 5426 / 7976 / 5462 / 1061
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): 020 8489 1406
- Private Fostering: 0800 634 0480
- Disabled Children’s Team : 020 8489 3672 / 3675
- Children in Care Services
- Looked After Children (Fostering): 020 8489 3754
- Adoption Service: 0208 489 4610
- Leaving Care: 020 8489 5800
- Education for Children in Care: 020 8489 3767
Metropolitan Police
- Child Abuse Investigation Team: 020 8345 2246
- Control Room (Reporting Missing Children): 020 8345 1212
- Emergencies: 112/ 999
- Non-emergency 111
Education Services
- Admissions Team: 020 8489 3338
- Education Welfare: 020 8489 3866
- Behaviour Support: 020 8489 5021 / 5036
- Special Educational Needs: 020 8489 1913
London Safeguarding Children Board
If you want to make a child protection referral, please contact your local children’s social care team – contact details for all of London’s first contact referral services are available from the link below:
Contact the London Safeguarding Children Board
London Safeguarding Children Board,
59½ Southwark Street,
London SE1 0AL, Map
Tel: 020 7934 9714/ 020 7934 9683
Contact your Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)
Each London borough has a lead officer responsible for the running of their LSCB – their contact details are available via the link below:
Local Safeguarding Children Board contact details
Alcohol & Drug Support
- Narcotics Anonymous : 0300 999 1212
- Alcoholics Anonymous : 0845 769 7555
- Al Anon & Al A Teen: 020 7403 0888
Domestic Violence Support
National Domestic Violence Helpline : 0808 2000 247 (24 hrs.)
Witness Service
If you need to speak to one of our London Witness Service offices directly, please call our victim care team on 0845 450 3936 to get contact details.
Regional office
For all administrative issues, contact the regional office for London.
London regional office
Octavia House
50 Banner Street
Tel: 020 7336 1730
- Emergencies: 999